Our Vision is to offer the best travel products and personalized  service to our customers and to  always strive to exceed your expectations, resulting in your satisfaction. Our mission is to provide the highest possible quality at the right price.

Our commitment to offer nothing but the very best is reflected in our vision & mission statements. We exist because of our customer and we are very grateful to have your business. We will strive to take our commitment to the next level so that we can serve you even better and continue to keep you satisfied.


INFORMATION you can use!

In this website you will find detailed information to aide you in your travels. You will also find other useful information such as contact information,  destination and general travel guidance, including travel advisories.  

We will continuously update this website with the latest information so that you are always up to date with the latest travel information to make your trip is as successful as it can be, and you can concentrate on making fabulous memories with your loved ones.  

If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you.

With 30 years of extensive travel experience and close relationships with major tour companies, airlines and wholesalers, I can make your travel experience the best it can be.  I have been awarded  more than 20 Destination  Specialist Certifications and Accreditations.  I can help enhance your trip and save you time and money by having access to the best deals and values, as well as available  upgrades.  I have the expertise to match your specific needs and desires with the best offers available.  I will always have YOUR best interest in mind.  MY reputation depends on it because my business is 100% referrals!  I also only work with vendors that are USTOA members ~ which means your money is protected in a $1,000,000  escrow until after you travel.  I will be your travel advocate!

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